“What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.”

—Matthew 10:27

    “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.”   ~Song of Solomon 6:3

Harbinger.love was created out of an intense love for Jesus and desire to see His Bride whole, healed, and overflowing with His Holy Spirit. We hope that in sharing these dreams, calls to prayer, and words of encouragement, our readers’ hearts would catch fire with love for Jesus, and be prepared when He returns.

Jesus shared a parable regarding 10 virgins – it is a great reminder for us! Five of the virgins were expectant and awake, with their lamps full of oil. They awaited the bridegroom with joy and purpose. The other 5 were careless, believing the groom would not return anytime soon. The foolish virgins fell asleep, burned up their oil, and were completely unprepared when the groom finally appeared. The heart of Jesus is that all would be prepared and ready for His return!

The writings you’ll find here are not the product of a master strategy or creative writing ability. The way this blog works is that we just pursue God. We really love Him! Sometimes He shares messages with us, and He has placed it in our hearts to begin proclaiming for others the things He whispers to us in the night and in the secret place of prayer. So, when we receive a message from the Lord, the first thing we do is pray. We try to discern whether the dream or the word is something He wants us to share.

Please know that we aren’t experts in theology, but we are students of the Word. We try not to add our own thoughts or commentary to the dreams we receive from the Lord unless we feel instructed to do so. We also want you to know that even when there is a message of warning or a call to prayer, those messages are so hopeful! There is always hope. Remember that everything God does He does with love; because God is love!
Please feel free to receive all of these words for what they are – just words. Pray about what you read. Check it against the Bible and ask the Lord how He would want you to respond.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.  Thank you for visiting our blog!

With Love and Blessings,

Rachel & Tiffany