Prophetic Words, Dreams & Visions

A Visitation

I had two visions in the night… 

First Dream (The Good Shepherd):

I was walking towards a kitchen table. There was a floor to ceiling window beyond the kitchen table. It was beautiful. As I walked towards the table, I could see all these clouds forming outside the window! I fell down on my face because I knew it was holy ground and I could not move. A whole person formed in the clouds and I knew it was God.  He was disguised as an old shepherd. He was wearing shepherd clothing and was holding a staff. He was very old, with long streaks bright white and grey hair, and the Lord was smiling at me. He was joy! He was holy. He was pure! Everything clean and good was radiating out of Him! He was speaking to me but I couldn’t hear Him since I was inside and He was on the outside of the window. But I just kept looking at Him as He was speaking and smiling at me so sweetly and He said one thing with such purity, and I was able to read His lips, “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!” It was so special. Then I started to wake up, and I saw a finger draw into the clouds of the window 3 John 1:12 which says, “Everyone speaks highly of Demetrius, as does the truth itself. We ourselves can say the same for him, and you know we speak the truth.”

When I woke up, I could physically feel God’s holy presence in the room. It was incredibly powerful and fearful (but in a good way). Very pure and holy. I was in complete awe!! 

Previously I asked God in my prayer time… do I know the truth Lord? I want to be sure I’m following the way! He answered me through this dream and I felt his love. It was so special. Then I fell asleep and had another dream.

Second Dream (The Church): 
I was looking down from the sky at the old town I grew up in which its name is Liberty. Then I came down from the aerial view (as I was coming down I could see several churches). Then I was walking in Liberty. My husband was with me and he said, “What about that church?” I responded, “No, I don’t think so, it’s small, and all messed up.” Then, I saw someone I knew and they were sitting outside across the street at a table. They are very kind and good people. They go to the Catholic Church. She spoke up and said well, “That’s my place; we go there.”  and I said, “Oh okay, let’s go in then.” At this point, Jeremy is gone but I walk in. It felt like a circus because of what was happening with the people inside. Some of the men were wearing makeup, there were leaders who were homosexual, there were self-righteous men wearing monk outfits, women were there and staggering around like they were drunk. I came in and sat down at a round table near the front. Then the leaders came up to the table where I was sitting and joined me. One leader said, “Bring out the drinks.” They brought with them wine and different kinds of liquor and put them at the table to drink and share with the church people. They offered it to me and I refused it. Then the leader who was homosexual scoffed at me for a moment, making fun of me that I would not partake in drinking with them. The community inside indulged with them and were drunk in the church. I knew right away this was pure wickedness in the church. God was nowhere to be found. I was so repulsed I became super nauseous. I got up and went to their bathroom because of the nausea. The bathroom was a small room with a curtain dividing two toilets. I was starting to throw up in the bathroom because I couldn’t stand what I was seeing. A little throw up, came up and it was blue! Then a pregnant woman rushed in, opened the curtain up to make room for herself, and laid down in child-bearing position. I turned around and asked her if she was okay because I could tell she was in pain and had compassion for her. I realized she was about to give birth and was in intense labor! Then my nausea went away. She was speaking words through her labor pains such as “married” and “covenant.”  Two registered nurses (one being my sister because she had been a labor and delivery nurse) came in to help deliver the baby because it was happening right then, right now. Then I had a vision within my dream. I saw Elijah praying, and fire came down to consume the altar, destroying the prophets of Baal. Then I saw lightning bolts of fire that would soon come down and destroy churches because of its sin and wickedness in it if they didn’t change and repent. The wicked within the church had a very short amount of time to repent or it would happen. I knew as I was having this vision within the dream that they had less than 24 hours. In fact, they only had until midnight and it was turning dark on us. Midnight was almost here! I ran out of the bathroom, calling out to whoever would listen. Time is almost up … It’s the last day! It is getting dark! Hurry and repent of your sins and change!! You must repent and turn to Jesus! 

Then I woke up. God’s presence was powerful, and this dream greatly disturbed me. 

Once it was morning, I got up to get the boys ready for school and I was thinking about this dream. Gabriel was at the table eating breakfast and said, “Mom, what day is it?”  Then I said, “It is the 25th.” He said, “It’s the last day Mom.” I replied with, “what??” And he said again, “It’s the last day.” 

That, of course, got me thinking of the end of my dream. The “last day” is here! If you are not right with God, then get to your knees. Repent of your sins and turn your life over to JESUS! He will show up unannounced for His bride. The 10 virgins parable says five were ready and five were not. The five ready went with the groom, and the other five were left. Keep your oil full for it is getting dark and the midnight hour is upon us. Pray, study the Bible, and ask Jesus to fill you full of his Holy Spirit. Fall in love with your GOOD SHEPHERD. For he will keep you and protect you.