Prophetic Words, Dreams & Visions

Forewarning of the Future

The Lord gave me this dream in 3 sections.

  1. Jeremy and I were lying down outside in a garden, and he was asleep.  I looked over by him, and there was a Catholic cardinal priest wearing red and black clothes, standing over Jeremy, I knew instantly he was evil. Then, Jeremy woke up, and the priest turned and walked away. I was wondering what was going on? Jeremy wasn’t sure what was happening either. Both of us being awake, we stood up and walked down a path. As we were walking down the path, I saw a lady with a rosary, chanting prayers, and we could see a table in front of her with many idols. I could see it was pure idolatry. She was praying, but God was not listening. 
  2. Then it flashes, and I’m standing in a city square. I saw a girl I knew growing up who used to be a believer, but a couple of years ago she fell away feeling like Christianity is a delusion. As she stood in the town square, I saw someone take a huge wine cork and together, they pushed it into her forehead! I was alarmed! She was proud of the brand on her forehead. I was so sad. The mark was huge, and I knew it was the mark of the beast. My heart broke. Once she took it, she wore it proudly, and it changed her. There was a deceiving power that came over her that looked charming, but it was terrifying to me because I knew the truth of it. 
  3. Then it flashed again, and I was at a well known American “home-chef’s” ranch in Oklahoma, and she was there with her kids and Levi, my youngest child, was with me. I saw tornados from every direction coming down on the plains. I pointed them out to her. She said, “Oh, we are fine because there aren’t any tornados coming directly at us.” But I looked, and I could see a big strong tornado coming at us. So I pointed to it, and I told her, “No, we aren’t fine! Look!” She responded, “Oh, I see it!” I asked her if she had a shelter, and she said, “Yes.” I told her we need to go into it right away. I asked her if it was safe, and she told me it was. She led us outside to where her shelter was. After she and her kids went underground, Levi started to crawl down the ladder into the shelter and out of nowhere, her yellow labrador retriever showed up and started barking erratically. The dog started dropping rocks on Levi, and I told the dog to stop. Then as I crawled down, the dog started dropping rocks on me. I asked the woman, “What is your dog’s name?”  She replied with, “His name is Donnie.” So I told him to stop it. It was a great annoyance, and I was frustrated. Once we got down into the shelter, there was a glass window from floor to ceiling; it was huge! I could see the tornado headed straight for us, and she, with her kids, stood watching the tornado come in. I realized that this shelter was not safe because of the window, so I turned my back to them, and grabbed Levi and ran away from the glass. I saw a pole in the back of the room and put him down first, then I sat down around him to shelter him, and we held tightly to the pole. Then, I started to pray that God would send an angel to hold my hands firmly around the pole as we braced for impact because I knew soon this tornado would hit us. I woke up. 

As I woke up, I heard the words, “BRACE FOR IMPACT! Prepare prepare prepare.”

Note to the reader:
The second part of the dream mentions a wine cork being pressed into the forehead. Upon one seeing the below scripture laid out in Revelation, we need to understand that if you receive the mark of the beast- you will drink from the wine cup of Gods wrath that will be poured out. This is very symbolic and profound. Do not take the mark.

“Then a third angel followed them, shouting, “Anyone who worships the beast and his statue or who accepts his mark on the forehead or on the hand must drink the wine of God’s anger. It has been poured full strength into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb. The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshiped the beast and his statue and have accepted the mark of his name.”
This means that God’s holy people must endure persecution patiently, obeying his commands and maintaining their faith in Jesus.” Revelation 14:9-12