Stories of His Glory

God Can Do Anything

I had a dream given from God for a dear friend of mine, Buffi. Together we wanted to share it with you all to encourage you! 

Here’s the story… 

I was in India on a missions trip with my daughter, and when I woke up from the dream, I felt filled with the Holy Spirit!! I knew it was the Lord speaking, so I grabbed my phone and started writing the dream’s details down to send to her.

Here are some of the details from the dream: 

(July 18, 2017)

I just woke up from the most vivid dream of you and Micah. You birthed a baby girl, the labor was easy for you and it was awesome! 

She is very important, and it was your 4th child. That was clear, but you birthed her; she was not adopted. Men of influence (I saw John Bevere) in God’s kingdom and even of non-influence came to bless her and pray over her as a baby because of her importance to God and the world! 

It brought you joy, and she was a healthy baby girl!! 

I believe the Lord wants you to press in and pray on this because you’ll know when this comes about, and this will bring confirmation to you that this is the Lord and it is anointed and blessed by God!! 

This will happen sooner than later. I’m certain the Lord gave me this dream to give to you. I could just feel the presence of God in my dream all over this and when I woke up! He is in this. 

I sent a letter to her about my dream, and told my friends in India about it with great expectation!! I’m pretty sure it shocked Buffi, and she thought I might be slightly crazy because they had three boys (in the process of adopting the 3rd one, who was just a little baby at the time) and no plans of having a 4th child at that time. Four days after I sent her the dream, she found out she was INDEED PREGNANT!! A week and a half later, Buffi wrote and told me… 

“WELL, I AM PREGNANT with #4 and I thought you’d like to know!” 

While Buffi was not expecting to be pregnant, it was reassurance and confirmation that this baby girl gift was definitely from the Lord. Knowing God’s plan in advance gave her peace. A year later from this dream, little Miss Carmella Jane  (pictured below) is 19 weeks old today and pure JOY!! Isn’t she a baby doll?!?

I share this with you now because I want you to know that God is in every single detail, and HE LOVES US! He speaks to our future and draws us in through our dreams, prayers, a sunset, or a rainbow. He draws us through others, maybe a song, a scripture, or a word someone speaks to you. Pay attention to those moments because they are there for you from HIM. He doesn’t miss a thing. He has planned and purposed YOU!! God doesn’t make accidents, and He sent us His son Jesus to show us exactly what HE is all about, and it’s pretty remarkable the amount of LOVE for each one of us HE has!! If you don’t feel like you know God like this, then I would love to show you how… You’re loved, chosen, and wanted.

“When the Holy Spirit comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” John 16:13

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God!”

Psalm 139:16