Prophetic Words, Dreams & Visions


I had a dream back on August 19th, 2021, and I’ve been holding on to it, prayerfully trusting His timing on when to release it. In this dream I saw a lot of chaos all around me in the USA. Then the scene flashed, and I was sitting on a city bus, and there was a young baby, not mine, about 5 months old, sitting on my lap. It had 11 teeth, and at the age the baby was at, it shouldn’t have had teeth at all. I was really surprised how advanced the baby was for being so small. As I was thinking about it having 11 teeth, I looked up and saw my friend, Tiffany, sitting across from me on the bus. She lifted her hands up, and with her fingers she made the number 11. Just then, I heard the Lord say, “This baby will be a prototype. Ask Tiffany what the 11 means. I will tell her.” Just after He spoke those words, the bus was forced to stop for a parade going by. I stepped out to see the parade, and I saw only one huge bus slowly driving by. It was wrapped in all kinds of slogans, and the colors of the bus were red and yellow. It was parading through the bustling city, forcing everyone to stop as it passed by. I knew without a doubt it represented communism.

The city bus I was riding on took me to my hotel. I rushed in, trying to pack up my suitcase. I needed to be at the airport at 5 pm, and it was close to 4:30 pm. I was late! I went down to the hotel lobby to wait for my Uber, and a woman tried to come up and hug me. The way she approached me and tried to come toward me, I knew she was a thief. I told her to step back and get away. She left me and went down a hallway towards others. I saw her hugging them, and I watched her as she was stealing their debit cards and cash right out of their purses and pockets! I was so upset! After she had stolen their belongings, she turned and started talking to the security guard in charge. I watched closely, and it was as if the security guard knew her. I yelled, “she’s a thief!” but no one did anything… they just looked at me. I started walking to exit the hotel, and the thief lady had moved and was standing near the exit talking to another security person. I had to say something again. I told the security guard, “This woman standing next to you is a thief! She is stealing people’s money! I watched her do it.” The security guard looked at me and did nothing. I was so frustrated! I headed out to the parking lot to wait for my ride because it still hadn’t arrived. I was ready to catch my flight and get home to my family. While I was outside waiting, I heard someone yell from the hotel doors, “There she is!” I looked up and saw it was the thief pointing at me. She had her daughter (who was as bad as she was) standing next to her. I started praying out loud because they were walking towards me- very angry. I felt nervous. I stood still and began praying. I prayed God would come down and fight for me. I prayed angels would surround me and that God would defend me and be my guard. I prayed they would not be able to touch me. The two of them came right up to me to intimidate me, but thankfully they didn’t touch me. They started laughing at me and mocking me for praying but I didn’t care because I knew God heard my prayer. Just then my alarm went off and woke me up. 


I have prayed for understanding with this dream, so I will highlight below the main points of the dream and share what I believe the Lord has revealed to me. 

Here are a few points: 

• I believe the 11 teeth represent New York. Tiffany shared with me that New York is the 11th state of America, which I wasn’t aware of. The baby in the dream, the Lord said to me, was a prototype. I believe it is the vaccine passport being mandated in New York City currently. Here is the definition of a Prototype: “a first, typical or preliminary model of something from which other forms are developed or copied.” Another definition of prototype reads: “rough model created to test something before creating it in its final form.” What we are watching in New York City and the vaccine passport mandate is a model created to test something before creating it in its final form. 

• The red and yellow bus we had to stop for and watch pass by represents communism entering into the US.

• I believe the woman thief represents a power that is over us here in the USA. This power is slowly taking our financial stability away, and it is all happening right before our eyes. Even when it is called out and noticed, it is being ignored. 

• The thief and daughter coming out to threaten me represents that power I mentioned above and also represents intimidation and mockery that people will face if they do speak out. 

  Finally, this prophetic dream is insightful, and we need to understand that we can pray for our country and pray for the people in this country against deception. We can pray for our leaders and for God to pour out His Spirit on all people! 

“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14