White Garments
This was a simple dream but profound. Here it is: I was standing in church and there were so many in the church dressed in white, but their white clothing had dirt flung all over them. I couldn’t believe that…
Know His Ways
“…They always go astray in their hearts; they have not known my ways.” Hebrews 3:10 God says in His word, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts…
Fog of Delusion
I had this dream back in July, and I’ve been holding on to it, prayerfully trusting His timing on when to release it. A couple of nights ago, the Lord woke me up and told me it’s time to release…
What is Truth
A message to the Bride by Robin Coleman, a close and respected friend of Tiffany Adkisson. I was fully determined to say nothing, thinking it more beneficial to remain silent, since many are talking and few listening at the moment.…
Rise and Prepare
A new year is here… with that will come new blessings, moments of joy, and new memories made. We will also face moments of sorrow, along with trials and tribulations… but one thing I do know is that with anything…