Prophetic Words, Dreams & Visions

Fog of Delusion

I had this dream back in July, and I’ve been holding on to it, prayerfully trusting His timing on when to release it. A couple of nights ago, the Lord woke me up and told me it’s time to release this vision and word to other believers. So here it is. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to bring revelation to you. His intense love for us is so great that He sent His Son, Jesus, to the cross for our sins so that we could live with Him forever! 


I had a vision in the night. In it, I saw a religious man wearing makeup and a rainbow mask. The reason he was wearing makeup and the rainbow mask was to support the LGBTQ movement within the church. To also influence the children to come into agreement with this belief system. The scene flashed, and I saw a married pastor of a growing and successful church in an adulterous relationship with another lady on staff, and everyone was acting as if this was okay and normal… that it should be embraced within Christian culture. My heart felt grieved with the falling away that was taking place. I could see many people in church falling away from Biblical truth. They were falling far away from God’s heart and His desire for mankind. 

Then the scene shifted. I was standing outside; it felt like night because it was extremely dark. A fog was released; it became very dense and hard to see. Suddenly, I could see a shepherd standing in the distance. It was the Lord! He was dressed like a shepherd and in his hand was a shepherd’s staff. HE was illuminating with light, purity, holiness, and goodness. As I stood there, the fog began to quickly cover the entire earth. It was so thick it made it hard to see Him, but I kept my eyes focused and fixed on Him. The Shepherd looked at me, focusing on me. I knew, at that moment, it was Him who had sent the fog, and even so, He was good. As the Lord looked at me, He placed the verse 2 Thessalonians 2:11,12 on my mind… 

“Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Then I woke up. I was greatly disturbed but knew the Lord was allowing me to see something that needed to be written down and shared. A strong delusion is coming, and I believe it has already begun… I encourage you to read the entire chapter of 2 Thessalonians.  

Beloved, Keep your eyes on Jesus. Be prayerful and watchful. Study His words in the Bible… all of it from the beginning to the end. We were given these words of wisdom in the Bible long ago so that we might know the way, the truth, and be anchored in times of trouble. We can’t be lukewarm. We can’t be found cold. Now is the time to repent, turn to Jesus, and follow Him with your whole heart. Do not be deceived.