Prophetic Words, Dreams & Visions

The Pestilence is Here

I had a dream that I was in line at a restaurant, and a friend from high school that goes to my church passed by me because she was meeting her grandparents (at least that was my guess because they were elderly). She was wearing a turtleneck (so maybe winter?) I then said, “Hey friend! I keep running into you. I think God wants us to get together! We can’t let the enemy keep us apart.” After I said that, she was smiling, and was going to speak, but then out of nowhere a sticky round thing (what looked like to me little octopus tentacles) pushed through her hand and she grabbed it, and threw it on the ground. Then I looked at my hands and realized the invasion of pestilence was here!! There were sticky little worms everywhere. It was gross! In the dream, I turned to all the people in the restaurant and started shouting, “God gives me prophetic dreams… the pestilence is here!! I’ve seen this.” The room I was in was being invaded from the outside and the worms pressing into the restaurant by these sticky worms!! So I started shouting, “The pestilence is here; God showed me this would happen!”